But how can I help? What can I do?

Over and over in 2025, I've heard first hand that people want to do something but aren't sure how and or what. Here is my story.
I joined my first ever Indivisible Zoom call the Friday after the election. I had never heard of the work Ezra and Leah had done to save the ACA.
I attended my first face to face meeting at the Whole Foods in Towson in Mid-December. In February, I joined my first Saturday Zoom in mid-February and there was a call to launch a web site. I volunteered. Next, I met members of the Baltimore City and County Indivisible groups at Penn Station to attend my first protest ever outside the Treasury Department.
The first lesson. Don't give up or give into the cynicism of doom-scrolling. Show up. Keep showing up, even if you don't feel like you are doing enough.
The second lesson. Speak up and volunteer something small (that you know you can do) based on an area of expertise. I reserved the domain and put my time and money to stand up this site. I didn't get it done as fast as I would have liked because I have a full-time job in a startup and a family, but I got it done.
Over the last few months, I've met dozens of folks in Baltimore County from all walks of life and varying levels of experience as organizers and activists. It has helped me cope with the daily events that seem out of control. It has given me hope.
The third lesson. Find your community and engage with the movement to defend Democracy. Today, I had a signal chat with an activist brainstorming about digital security and thinking about risk, which is something Ezra and Leah talked about on the first call and the weekly call today.
And yes, I'll be back showing up with my sloppily drawn "Deport Elon" sign on a major Baltimore County street near you!